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This website, including but not limited to its content, layout and design, is Copyright of Verified Sales Leads. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Verified Sales Leads. However, permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this website for the sole purpose of conducting business with Verified Sales Leads.
Verified Sales Leads makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate and current. However, we give no warranty or undertaking as to the quality or freedom from error, or freedom from computer virus of the contents of this site. Access and use of this site is entirely at your own risk.
Privacy Policy
Like most websites, this site uses cookies to improve performance and we use Google Analytics to see who visits this website and what pages they visit. You are free to visit this site with cookies turned off, but some facilities such as the steel building quote options do require cookies to be set.
If you provide information to us, under GDPR, you consent to that information being used to obtain and provide quotes from our network of steel buildings suppliers.
Contact us
You can contact us via our contact page or alternatively write to us at VSL Notanant, 27 Grange Park, St Arvans